Flashlight 1: Teacher's Book (9780194153010)

Flashlight 1: Teacher's Book (9780194153010)

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Giá bán: 216.000 VNĐ

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Mô tả sản phẩm

Exactly the right mix of support and challenge.

Flashlight develops communicative competence and builds a core of essential vocabulary while ensuring that students understand the rules of English grammar. It caters for a range of teaching situations and addresses the demands of mixed ability classes.

Key features

A Vocabulary presentation opens each unit to draw students into the topic and build

Real English expressions, introduced through a photostory and Everyday English dialogues,

make language relevant.

Regular recycling includes cumulative revision of all preceding units enabling the teacher to monitor the progress of all their students.

International 'Focus on the World' sections facilitate cultural comparison and cross-curricular discussion.
Authentic songs sections, each with a full page of activities, provide extra extensive listening

in a fun way for students.

Worksheets and optional activities in the Teacher's Book provide extra help for students who need either additional support or extra challenge.


*          *

Sách cũng có bán tại SÁCH ĐẤT VIỆT, chi nhánh:

-  225 Nguyễn Tri Phương, P.9, Q.5, TP.HCM (08.62 65 20 39)

-  23-25 Hoàng Hoa Thám, P.13, Q.Tân Bình, TP.HCM (08.62 97 23 56)

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Số trang
Kích thước
29 x 20 cm
Lượt xem
Trọng lượng
300 gr

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